Garden Tractor YT48DXLS, YT48DXLS CARB

Parts, manuals and support for YT48DXLS

All the support you need for YT48DXLS. Manuals, spare parts, guides, how-to’s, and more.

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Support content

Troubleshooting & help
Frequently read self-service articles about YT48DXLS.

All you need to know about Husqvarna’s warranty policy and the service provided by us within the warranty period.

Warranty policy
Warranty service

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Is your product broken?

If your product is broken and you wish to claim your warranty, it must always be examined by a dealer.
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General questions

You can always contact Husqvarna for general questions about our warranty.
Contact Husqvarna 


US-49 - 23HP Kawasaki, 48" ClearCut deck W/ CI Spindle, Hydrostatic, Pedal, Locking Diff

Art no: 960 43 02‑26

US-49 - 23HP Kawasaki, 48" ClearCut deck W/ CI Spindle, Hydrostatic, Pedal, Locking Diff
Art no: 960 43 02‑26
Net power at preset rpm Energy17.2 kW
Net power at preset rpm3,300 rpm
Generator15 A
Power/fuel typePetrol
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