Petrol Brushcutter 327RJ X-SERIES


Parts, manuals and support for 327RJx

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26cc, Straight Shaft Trimmer (w/ Blade Kit)

SKU: 966 97 84‑01

26cc, Straight Shaft Trimmer (w/ Blade Kit)
SKU: 966 97 84‑01
Cylinder displacement1.5 cu.inch
Output shaft power1.2 hp
Fuel tank volume16.91 fl oz
Fuel consumption600 g/kWh
Maximum power speed8,400 rpm
Idling speed2,700 rpm
Maximum rpm output shaft8,300 rpm
Electrode gap0.02 in
Clutch engagement speed (±120)3,950 rpm
Spark PlugChampion RCJ7Y
Grass bladeGrass 255-4
HarnessSingle harness
Trimmer headT35 M10
Tube diameter0.94 in
Weight (excl. cutting equipment)11.02 lbs
Tube length58.386 in
Exhaust emissions (CO average) EPA153 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (NOx average) EPA2.9 g/kWh
Lubricant type (Engine)Husqvarna 2 stroke or equiv. at 50:1
Lubricant type (bevel gear)Mineral grease
Gear ratio1.46
Drive gear angle30 °
Equivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) left handle6.8 m/s²
Equivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) right handle4.4 m/s²
Sound and noise
Sound pressure level at operators ear96 dB(A)
Sound power level, guaranteed (LWA)110 dB(A)
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