Meet the Husqvarna NA H-Team
Our H-Team is an elite group of skilled, respected professionals representing both the tree care and forestry industries. Together, we’re working to advance these industries towards a more safe and sustainable future with products made for professionals, by professionals. Meet each of our brand ambassadors below.

Krista Strating
Changing the game in tree care for over a decade, Krista is a multiple North American Tree Climbing Champion and a one-time World Champion. She’s spent the last 12 years as a climbing instructor at Humber College and the Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop where she enjoys sharing her passion and educating the next generation of climbers.
Krista is a huge fan of the Husqvarna T540i XP®. She loves the power it maintains while being light, quiet and maneuverable.

Ryan Torcicollo
With his passion for tree work and innovation, Ryan has rocked the climbing world, with multiple state competition wins and championship titles under his belt. The former owner of Wasatch Arborists, he now works as a primary safety lead for SavATree, promoting the safety of climbers across the country.
One of Ryan's favorite Husqvarna products is the Husqvarna 550 XP® Mark II. You can always find it in his truck and on every job site.

Tobias Wygand
Tobias brings his appreciation of nature and thirst for adventure every day in his role as an arborist and lead instructor for North American Training Solutions. With over 15 years experience, he enjoys sharing his expert knowledge to promote safe work on any job site.
Tobias’ favorite Husqvarna products are the 550 XP® Mark II and 592 XP® for their signature power and performance.

Chad Gainey
An award-winning chainsaw sculptor, Chad travels the US creating masterpieces out of wood. You can find him carving at fairs and festivals, while his work can be found in city parks and public spaces all over the world. Chad brings a diverse perspective to the team and is a strong advocate for innovation in the industry.
His favorite Husqvarna chainsaw is the 550XP® Mark II because of the optimal power-to-weight ratio and maneuverability.

Johnny Korthuis
With over 20 years experience, Johnny has touched every aspect of the arboriculture industry, including working as a tree service owner, trainer, contract climber, and consultant. Today, he’s passionately involved in finding ways to “raise the tide” of the entire tree care industry through innovation and safety.
For Johnny, nothing beats the T540i XP® and 550 XP® Mark II for their ideal combinations of power, performance, and durability.

Matthew Meckley
A second generation arborist, Matthew has over 10 years experience as a climber and an all-around timber feller, falling fire-weakened trees. A business owner and instructor for Academy Trained, he is always striving to better himself, the community, and advance the tree care industry as a whole.
Matthew’s Husqvarna favorites include the 372 XP®, the first “big” saw he ever owned, and the 592 XP® for its incredible power.