Ride-On Mower16/09/2024

How to attach and remove a cutting deck on a ride-on lawn mower

This is an article on how to attach and remove a cutting deck on a ride-on lawn mower.

Your Husqvarna ride-on lawn mower comes with a large range of attachments, which you can use for different tasks.

If you want to mow the lawn, you will need to use the cutting deck.

R200-series ride-on lawn mower; remove and attach a cutting deck

Remove a cutting deck

  1. Put height adjustment lever in service position.
  2. Lower the cutting deck.
  3. Engage the parking brake.
  4. Use the starter key with the attached tool.
  5. Remove the cover.
  6. Disconnect the cutting deck rod.
  7. Release the belt tensioner.
  8. Disconnect the drive belt.
  9. Prop the cutting deck to release pressure from the bolt.
  10. Pull to release.
  11. Lift and pull the cutting deck.
  12. The piece of wood prevents frame from slamming.

Attach the cutting deck

  1. Lift into position.
  2. Mount bolts on both sides.
  3. Connect the cutting deck rod.
  4. Connect the drive belt.
  5. Pull the belt tensioner into position.
  6. Remember to exit the service position.

R300-series ride-on lawn mower; remove and attach the cutting deck

Remove the cutting deck

  1. Lower the cutting deck.
  2. Put height adjustment lever in service position.
  3. Engage the parking brake.
  4. Use the starter key with attached tool.
  5. Remove the cover.
  6. Release the belt tensioner.
  7. Disconnect the cutting deck rod.
  8. Disconnect the drive belt.
  9. Pull the cutting deck.
  10. Lift and pull the cutting deck.

Attach the cutting deck

  1. Align the cutting deck into the position.
  2. Push into position.
  3. Connect the drive belt.
  4. Connect the cutting deck rod.
  5. Pull the belt tensioner into position.
  6. Remember to exit the service position.
  1. Park the product on level ground.
  2. Set the power switch to the "0" position.
  3. Set the cutting height lever in the servicing position.
  4. Release the clip on the front cover with the tool attached to the power switch key, and remove the cover.
  5. Lift the cutting height stay and put it in the holder for the cutting height stay.
  6. Disconnect the cable from the cutting deck.
  7. Disengage the lock to the cutting deck with your left hand. Pull the cutting deck out with your right hand.
  8. Put a wooden block between the equipment frame and the chassis. This makes sure that the cutting deck does not spring back when removed.
    WARNING: Be careful. There is a risk of injury if your hand is caught between the equipment frame and the chassis.
  9. Remove the two screws on the equipment frame.
  10. Hold the front edge of the cutting deck and pull it out.
  11. Remove the wooden block.
  12. Attach the cutting deck in the opposite sequence.
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