HUGSI Feature Biodiversity View 2023
HUGSI Biodiversity View Stockholm 2023

Bridging the biodiversity gap

In an era where urbanization continues to reshape our world, the importance of preserving and enhancing urban biodiversity has never been more critical. 

The Biodiversity Alert feature, part of, allows cities to pinpoint areas to protect and further develop to boost urban biodiversity.

Cities can also use the tool to identify vital connectors between these areas to allow for migration of species.

The information and maps provided help cities to understand where new connectors can be formed and through this, focus their efforts on greening where the highest biodiversity values can be achieved.

How to act

For city planners there are only three parameters that you can affect:

  1. Size of green areas in the city – pure quantity.
  2. Connectivity – how are the green areas connected allowing for migration of species.
  3. Quality – the specific conditions for certain species of plants, animals, and insects on a certain location.

To understand biodiversity in cities you need to assess the quantity and quality of green space and the degree to which different areas are connected to each other.  

Biodiversity at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus UK
Larger green areas are better than smaller areas. A decrease in area will decrease biodiversity
Biodiversity Ladybug
Green areas with quality close to nature will harbor more species than human altered.
City landscape image
Greater connectivity, fewer barriers, will support biodiversity by creating a larger living space for various species.
Flower meadow 3

How to monitor urban biodiversity through HUGSI

To make vital measurements on urban biodiversity potential we have developed the following new KPIs that will be made available to all cities part of Annual monitoring of the cities allows us to highlight loss of areas important for biodiversity as well as indicate broken connections between such land. It shows 

A. Nature potential score - the degree to which nature has a foothold in the city. 
B. Nature connectivity score - the degree to which natural areas are connected to each other. 
C. Biodiversity indicator score - a combined score of nature potential and nature connectivity.

HUGSI Biodiversity Illustration 2023

Identify areas to protect and areas to connect

Cities can through this analysis understand their vulnerable points, where a decrease in green space would harm the local ecosystem disproportionately as well as pinpointing areas where added vegetation would have most positive effect by connecting green areas.