
Husqvarna MT 85


Product variant

300 20.0 MT85+
Art no: 506 12 40‑01
MT 85
300 20.0 MT85+
Art no: 506 12 40‑01
MT 85
MT 65, Ø:350mm
Art no: 543 08 73‑88

Cuts all standard construction material

• MT 65 Blade for asphalt cutting.
• Very good value for money.
• Special segments for undercutting protection.

Product Information

Compare specifications and features with similar Husqvarna products.

300 20.0 MT85+

Art no: 506 12 40‑01

Product data
300 20.0 MT85+
Art no: 506 12 40‑01
MT 65, Ø:350mm
Art no: 543 08 73‑88