
High-performance grease to conveniently lubricate bearings, drive shafts.


Popis výrobku

Husqvarna bearing grease is a high-performance lithium-based grease for lubricating chainsaw clutch needle bearings and clearing saw drive shafts. It is also ideal for lubricating guide bar nose wheel bearings, providing reduced wear and increased life. This bearing grease is water resistant and highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation, ensuring great performance at high temperature and high pressure.

Informácie o výrobku

Porovnajte technické údaje a vlastnosti u podobných výrobkov značky Husqvarna.

Mazací tuk pre ložiská, 100 g

Číslo výrobku: 535 56 00‑01

Údaje o výrobku
Mazací tuk pre ložiská, 100 g
Číslo výrobku: 535 56 00‑01
Product declaration documents

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