
Rinkimo sistema


Gaminio versija

Tinka modeliui
9 Bushel (306 ltr) 3 bag
Gam. nr. 598 53 28‑02
Soft Bin Triple Bagger
RINKTUVAS MZ/Z400 54 Clear Cut 3-bin
Gam. nr. 598 53 28‑01
Soft Bin Triple Bagger
9 Bushel (306 ltr) 3 bag
Gam. nr. 598 53 28‑02

Gaminio aprašas

The quick detach bagger system features 3 nylon bags and total capacity of 9 bushels. Front mounted weight kit is standard

Informacija apie gaminį

Compare specifications and features with similar Husqvarna products.

9 Bushel (306 ltr) 3 bag

Gam. nr. 598 53 28‑02

Gaminio duomenys
9 Bushel (306 ltr) 3 bag
Gam. nr. 598 53 28‑02
RINKTUVAS MZ/Z400 54 Clear Cut 3-bin
Gam. nr. 598 53 28‑01

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