Ride-On Mower16/09/2024

How to put a ride-on lawn mower in a service position

When you want to clean the cutting deck on your Husqvarna ride-on lawn mower, or simply check the blades, you will need to put it into a service position.

Here is how you do it.

R200-series ride-on lawn mower; service position

  1. Put the height adjustment lever in service position
  2. Engage parking brake
  3. Use the starter key with attached tool
  4. Remove cover
  5. Disconnect the cutting deck rod
  6. Release the belt tensioner
  7. Disconnect the drive belt
  8. Pull and lift the cutting deck
  9. Lift the cutting deck and release the lock
  10. Push into position
  11. Connect the cutting deck rod
  12. Connect the drive belt
  13. Pull the belt tensioner into position
  14. Remember to exit service position

R300-series ride-on lawn mower; service position

  1. Lift the cutting deck
  2. Put the height adjustment lever in service position
  3. Engage the parking brake
  4. Use the starter key with the attached tool
  5. Remove the cover.
  6. Release the belt tensioner
  7. Disconnect the cutting deck rod
  8. Disconnect the drive belt
  9. Pull and lift the cutting deck; will automatically lock
  10. Lift the cutting deck and release the lock
  11. Push into position
  12. Connect the drive belt
  13. Connect the cutting deck rod
  14. Pull the belt tensioner into position
  15. Remember to exit service position

To put the cutting deck in a service position

NOTE: Before you start, be sure to turn off the product by setting the power switch to the "0" position.

  1. Park the product on level ground.
  2. Set the cutting height lever in the service position.
  3. Release the clip on the front cover with the tool attached to the power switch key, and remove the cover.
  4. Lift the cutting height stay and put it in the holder.
  5. Disconnect the cable from the cutting deck.
  6. Disengage the lock on the cutting deck. Pull the cutting deck out with your other hand.
  7. Lift the cutting deck to a vertical position until you hear a click. The cutting deck is locked automatically in the vertical position.

To put the cutting deck in a mow position

  1. Hold the front edge of the cutting deck.
  2. Loosen the lock with your other hand.
  3. Fold down the cutting deck and push it in until it stops.
  4. Connect the cable to the cutting deck.
  5. Lift the cutting height stay from the stay holder and put it in the hole.
  6. Attach the front cover.
  7. Move the cutting height lever from the service position to one of the positions with a number.
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