Stories & Inspiration

Research proves the benefits of autonomous mowing

Time saving, economic, silent and efficient. Husqvarna autonomous mowing solutions seem covered in benefits for greenkeepers and turf care personnel in general. The benefits are made even more tangible when tested by third-party researchers, researchers trying to determine the pros (and the cons) of switching from traditional methods to robotic mowers.

Golf event film 6. Science and test results 8m51s 16x9 Master

Norwegian, German and Italian research

Three research projects based in such diverse places as Norway, Germany and Italy are examining different aspects of switching to robotics, in different climates and with different grass species, but their findings are all pointing in the same direction:

“Not only do you save time and respect the environment, but the turf is denser, finer and uniform, always cut at the same height. My recommendation is absolutely to try robotic mowers on your golf course”, says Marco Volterrani, head of the Centre for Research on Turf Grass for Environment and Sports in Pisa Italy.

And the other studies seem to concur. Robotic mowing in general, and Husqvarna’s CEORA™ and Automower® will be able to provide results that not only are on par with traditional mowing techniques, but that – in many cases – surpasses them.