Golf course autonomous mowing and turf care

Benefits for the course
- Improved turf quality
- Free up time and focus on the details
- Multiple mowing heights: multiple areas, easy scheduling
- Reduced operating costs
- Lower cost of ownership: Reduced labor and fuel costs
- Increased safety: No risk of mowing unsafe slopes or being struck by golf balls
- Easy maintenance
- No risk of hydraulic fluid leaks
- Use of fleet services app to control all mowers at all times

Benefits for the members
- Low noise emissions
- Less course disruption
- Player satisfaction: Excellent playing conditions, fewer distractions, fewer grass clumps and visual clippings
- Course consistency
- Reduced carbon footprint
- Noise abatement = increased concentration
Ushering in a new era of course maintenance
The future of turf care management involves autonomous solutions. Hear from Dan Meersman, Chief Planning Officer & Director of Grounds and Facilities for The Philadelphia Cricket Club, as he shares his experience of implementing 35 autonomous mowers across the club's golf courses. The Husqvarna fleet of commercial autonomous mowers eliminates time spent mowing the grass so crews can focus on other aspects of the property.

What to expect
Upon contacting your dealer, you will receive a full onsite consultation. They will meet with you and tour your course to define the best products for all your course needs. They will map out the area you will be servicing and provide you with a quote of work and product. They will also provide you with an installation plan including the process, the sequence and the timeline.
*The equipment and installation are separately priced*
Robotic golf course mowers

Improve the game with autonomous mowing solutions
Our battery powered robotic mowers generate no direct emissions, low noise levels, and produce high-quality turf. Monitor and control them remotely via intuitive digital tools. Additionally, they will deliver consistent cut quality throughout the golf course.
- Solutions for tees, fairways, approaches, and roughs
- Cutting quality on par with Reel mowers
- Fleet management system for remote control
- Reduced environmental impact

CEORA™ – large area mowing made easy
We proudly introduce CEORATM robotic fairway and rough mower, ideal for areas of up to six acres per day. For these larger areas, it’ll present your players with stunningly consistent results, day in day out.
- CEORA™ can handle fairway and rough without the need to change machines
- EPOS technology uses GPS and satellite guidance for work zones
- App-controlled, on the fly, adjustable cutting height
- Systematic straight-line or programmable pattern mowing
- Comes with CEORATM HyperCare to provide your team with effective training and maintenance to help you work efficiently with your CEORATM. The service includes a pre-installation visit for planning, installation with instructions and training, and follow- up visits during the first month.

Automower® robotic mower – for smaller, more complex areas
For smaller areas or hilly, more complex rough or fairways, our Automower® robotic mowers will make easy work of the most difficult of challenges. Husqvarna Automower® 550 EPOS is ideal for areas of up to 2.5 acres.
- Automower® 550 EPOS can handle fairway and rough without the need to change machines
- EPOS technology uses GPS guidance for work zones
- App-controlled adjustable cutting height
- Systematic straight-line or programmable pattern mowing

Automower® robotic mower - for steep areas
Husqvarna 535 AWD manages areas of up to .86 acre and slopes of up to 70% – areas unsafe to handle with traditional ride-on mowers.
- App-controlled adjustable cutting height
- Built-in theft protection
- Safety & collision sensors to instantly stop the mower if lifted or an object is detected
Handheld power equipment
Husqvarna offers a wide range of handheld golf course maintenance equipment. Our products are developed together with commercial users, resulting in ergonomic, and easy-to-use machines. With our battery series, you can easily cut fuel costs and comply with emission regulations, and thanks to the low noise levels, experience a better day caring for the golf course and its surroundings.